Our purpose:
eye4change exists to build connection and community through the power of photography.
Improving confidence, communication, well-being and a sense of belonging for disadvantaged people of all ages, particularly young people.
Our vision:
A world connected in compassion.
Our mission:
To make visible, through the power of photography, the lived experience of individuals and communities whose voices go unheard.
Established in 2009, eye4change was inspired by the experiences of our founder, photographer and educator Xenia Demetriou.
When Xenia was introduced to photography at school in Tottenham, North London, her world changed. She quickly discovered that a camera could be a gateway to new places and new ways of seeing. Photography gave her a means of expression a sense of belonging, and a way to understand and connect to the world around her.
Now, eye4change works to offer that same opportunity to other people whose voices are seldom heard.
“It has taught me… to express my talent even if you are not that confident.”
How We Do It
How We Do It
Our participants vary across our projects – from young people experiencing disruption in their lives, to young parents and groups who are too often underserved by society.
Each workshop typically hosts 10-12 people, so we can offer tailored support and build an atmosphere of trust. Over the course of each programme, we work with people to not only develop their photography skills, but build their confidence in using the camera as a tool to express their unique view of the world.
In the process, our participants find new connections. A way to make sense of the world around them, a way to understand themselves, and a way to connect with other people.
Our project exhibitions bring together the wider community to celebrate our participants’ achievements. Seeing their excitement at sharing their work, and finding that others value it, keeps conversations going and fresh ideas flowing!
“Made me able to view things with a different perspective. Awesome!”
We offer:
10-week programmes
Bespoke workshops
Extended projects (1 year or more)
Our impact so far...
Our impact so far...
Who we work with
Who we work with
Rooted in our local community in Greenwich and Lewisham, we work across London. We are a trusted provider for many schools, community groups and voluntary organisations who refer people to our programmes.
We’re proud to be a recognised Arts Award centre, helping children and young people on their creative journey to explore the arts, discover their potential and develop leadership skills.
We rely on donations to be able to offer these opportunities to the people we work with. We’re hugely grateful to the many organisations and individuals who donate to make this work possible.
“Specialists in their field, reliable, thorough and professional in their approach.”
“I came, I saw, I achieved.”
Since eye4change was founded, thanks to our supporters, we’ve:
Helped over 8,000 people through workshops, events and exhibitions – enabling them to find their voice, build confidence and connect with others.
Reached 34,000 people through our digital activities – inspiring the wider community and giving our participants a platform for self-expression.
Recognised by the Royal Borough of Greenwich with an award for our work in the community.
Proudly welcomed 10 of our workshop participants back to eye4change as ambassadors for the charity.
“I’ve learnt a lot about myself and my art through this project. This is so powerful and there should be more projects like this.”
“This project has opened new opportunities to me.”
“I came feeling nervous and now I feel good.”
“I think the best part of all was the smiles on all of our faces. Thank you for this chance.”
As we celebrate 15 years of service, we’re also looking ahead to our future. With your help, we aim to extend our reach, and offer even more people the chance to find and share their voice.